
February 3, 2023

GDPR regulations imposed on the institutions and companies a duty of reporting of breach together with information about possible risks. Depending on the level of the breach, the incident must be reported to UODO at the first stage. If the breach is characterized by a high level, the organization or a company must inform a person whose personal data has been infringed – explains Artur Piechocki on

January 12, 2023

The user’s activity in metaversum is strictly connected with personal data processing, including data collection – write Artur Piechocki and Katarzyna Gorzkowska in the current edition of Kwartalnik Prawa Nowych Technologii by C.H. Beck

January 4, 2023

For me personally, the example of good law is DORA. This Act is dedicated to a specialised narrow sector but precise. It regulates the mechanisms connected not only with ICT security but also relating to the crisis management. This is the quintessence of what is crucial in cybersecurity – says Artur Piechocki in a debate organised by Domena Magazine of The Polish IT Association

January 4, 2023

The moral evaluation of a hacker’s activity seems tough in practice. The key factors are: who is the cyberattack side and what is the goal of the attacks. As an example the persons acting within the Anonymous Group can be indicated – write Artur Piechocki and Katarzyna Gorzkowska for the Cybersecurity Institute

November 28, 2022

OneTrust Data Guidance – Poland: Data Protection in the Financial Sector – Artur Piechocki i Katarzyna Gorzkowska

November 2, 2022

Katarzyna Gorzkowska a co-author of the book “New technologies – opportunity or threat for business from the legal perspective and court proceedings”

November 2, 2022

Interview with Katarzyna Gorzkowska on “Obligation of recording personal data information in the Medical Information System (SIM) relates to every medical unit

November 2, 2022

Artur Piechocki and Katarzyna Gorzkowska in Rzeczpospolita “Compensation for privacy infringement in the Internet”

August 11, 2022

Change of APLAW’s premises
