
January 3, 2022

The Act provides creation of a Cybersecurity Fund and defines the principles of collecting funds. Moreover, it regulates the rules of granting from the Fund – write Artur Piechocki and Katarzyna Gorzkowska in Kwartalnik Prawa Nowych Technologii

December 30, 2021

The situation that must be faced now by the e-commerce and marketing sectors results from the insouciance that superficial solutions had been implemented in terms of GDPR requirements at the beginning instead of ensuring the full compliance – says Artur Piechocki in the interview for Gazeta Prawna

December 6, 2021

What can arouse criticism in terms of the amendment to the National Cybersecurity System Act (KSC) is creation of an elimination mechanism of inconvenient entities from the cybersecurity market – says Artur Piechocki in the interview for Gazeta Prawna

December 2, 2021

A victim of hate speech who has been harmed online or whose personal goods have been infringed can assert his or her rights in civil or criminal proceedings – comments Katarzyna Gorzkowska on

October 15, 2021

The President of The Office for Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKIK) has announced an investigation in terms of the crypto adverts in social media – writes Natalia Polańska in Rzeczpospolita

August 20, 2021

Using of faulty, biased, or malicious algorithms can lead to the wrong estimation. In consequence, the profiles can perpetuate stereotypes and limit the access to goods or services – write Artur Piechocki and Katarzyna Gorzkowska in Rzeczpospolita

August 17, 2021

About the planned amendments to the EU directive known as the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) and the consequences of its implementation for the Polish legal system – write Artur Piechocki and Katarzyna Gorzkowska

August 17, 2021

The popularity of NFT has made them being offered on numerous virtual stocks and they gain in value. Nowadays purchasing a token has become an attractive way of capital placement and additional source of income for many people – comments Katarzyna Gorzkowska for Gazeta Prawna

July 14, 2021

Law firms are the prime targets for hackers – they possess the best sources of sensitive data regarding financial affairs, court cases including trade secrets – writes Artur Piechocki in the LegalTech report 2021
