9.03.2021 The Scientific Publishing House ArchaeGraph published a book “Law and administration in the modern world. Direction of changes” edited by dr Marta Stanisławska. In the book there is a chapter dedicated to e-voting written by Katarzyna Gorzkowska “Selected issues of e-voting in the electoral process”.
“This paper is concerned with considerations of changes in the organization of elections, including the possibility of using electronic voting tools in general elections. Attention was paid to the main problems arising from the use of modern solutions, such as the need to ensure an appropriate level of security and secrecy of voting. In this respect, reference is made to standards developed by experts appointed by the Council of Europe”.
See the book: https://www.archaegraph.pl/lib/l231bv/Prawo-2_ebook-kl0p0dnv.pdf
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