June 25, 2020Intellectual and industrial property
June 25, 2020
- providing ongoing advice to television and radio broadcasters, advertising agencies, media houses, PR agencies, press and multi-channel publishers and the organisers of promotional actions, contests, lotteries and loyalty programmes
- advising on the promotion and advertising campaigns for producers from the so-called sensitive industries, including: alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, gambling, medicinal products, nutritional supplements, pharmacies, financial services, as well as public trust professionals
- providing opinions on advertising campaigns and promotional materials from a legal risk perspective, including intellectual property rights and competition law
- preparing and verify regulations of contests, lotteries, loyalty programmes
- advising on telemarketing and mailing projects, including personal data processing
- advising on the preparation and verification of the gambling, including all kinds of lotteries
- preparing and verify sponsorship agreements
- advising on comprehensive protection of intellectual property in advertising campaigns, including copyright contracts, protection of personal rights, protection of IP resources (trademarks, licenses, patents, utility models)
- representing clients in court proceedings concerning unfair competition, intellectual property infringements, protection of personal and copyright interests
- representing clients before the Authority for Competition and Consumer Protection, the Court of Competition and Consumer Protection, the National Broadcasting Council and the Advertising Ethics Committee