29.07.2019 Magazyn PinG (Privacy in Germany) – wydanie lipcowe opublikował artykuł autorstwa Artura Piechockiego i Daniela Sicińskiego „Data breach notification – Polish perspective„.
Obligation to notify personal data breaches to supervisory authorities, as introduced last year by the GDPR, has had a major impact on companies all over the Europe and beyond. Since then, tens of thousands of such notofications have been submitted causing a significant spike in breach notifications as compared to pre-GDPR era. Under the new law with its stringent penalties, sweeping data breaches under the carper becomes a risky strategy. This, in turn, caused companies to be more keen to inform regulators about their potential issues with data security.
Link do strony Magazynu: https://www.pingdigital.de/blog/2019/07/02/die-neue-ping-ausgabe-042019/1718
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